Paste from Word & Create Bullets for each line

Andrew Abernathy andrew at
Sun Dec 5 19:31:44 PST 2004

It sounds like you're editing a cell when you paste. Try exiting edit 
mode (hit the escape key, or click in the gutter for a row so the row 
is selected, rather than text editing initiated), then paste.


On Dec 5, 2004, at 5:29 PM, Tim Germer wrote:

> Hi,
> OO3 is great!  Thanks for all the effort.  My question is, if I create 
> a simple list in Word:
> Tim
> Brian
> Walter
> I then copy this and paste into OO3.  What must I do to get that list 
> pasted as a bullet for each item?  As I'm doing it, it's just pasting 
> that text into one bullet; which is annoying.

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